Swimming with whale sharks near Diani Beach

Background mask

Swimming with sharks? Yes, it’s a thing. And what a magical thing it is! If you go deep with these sharks, you don’t have to be afraid: whale sharks might be enormous, but they’re vegetarians and have no culinary interest in you. Go ahead and embark on an unforgettable adventure with these gentle giants and gracefully glide through the crystal-clear waters of the Indian Ocean together.

Important details

  • 221 USD per person – prices are subject to change
  • Mid-January to mid-March
  • Full day
  • Incl. snorkeling gear

Additional information

There are few places in the world where you can swim (or snorkel or dive) with whale sharks, as they are migratory fish that rarely come close to land. On Diani Beach, these amazing creatures can be found from December to mid-March, with mid-January to mid-March being ideal. Since whale sharks are harmless to humans (they only eat plankton and small fish), you can get up close with them.

Keep in mind that whale sharks are huge in size, but still hard to find in the vastness of the Indian Ocean. Therefore, observation planes are used at Diani Beach. For even better chances of sighting, there is the underwater scooter Sublue, which allows you to follow whale sharks up to 5 kilometers.

A generous customer policy offers you a second trip at half price if no whale sharks are sighted on the first trip. And if you weren’t lucky on the second trip either, the third trip is free. To complete the unique experience, your trip can be completed with professional underwater photographers or videographers, as well as aerial photography from the plane.

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